Our Christopher - Superman - our middle child - our bridge - graduated June 5. He is the only child we have who lived with all of the 11 siblings. When I received a call from my friend Maggie, his biological mother's social worker and our Chad's worker, to consider having Chris come home from the hospital as his bio mom tried to see if she would be able to parent I said yes - without consulting my beloved husband. He was much less then thrilled - mostly as he was afraid we would be attached to this beautiful little boy and then lose him. But - that is not - blessedly - what happened.
He loves and adores his younger siblings - some more then others, of course. He was able to tube-feed Shannon when he was 8 and he is able to watch all the younger sibs - with all their needs - and get them into bed if we are able to get out at night. We are very happy that he will still live home for the next two years at least while attending technical college and so won't lost that ability to spontaneously sneak out of the house at night occasionally.
When I put together his photo albums - as I have for all our graduates - I had a hard time finding many pictures of just Christopher. He was always hugging on his siblings or jumping into pictures with them. The younger kids call him "Boss" - I think because the first time we left him in charge we said he'd be the boss when we were gone. It stuck - and I think he loves it.
Although I truly believe that God put us on her mind when she was looking for a family for Christopher's placement - I thanked Maggie for calling us that day. What would we do without our "boss" - we love you Christopher!