As I was contemplating where I was 10 years ago I realized that although the years do fly by faster the older I get - I'm amazed at all that has happened this past decade. Our family doubled!
Ten years ago my oldest child was 25 - my youngest was 9. In this past decade we added 4 children, married off 2, had one experience a divorce and remarriage and welcomed 2 grandchildren into our ever expanding family. Perhaps the weirdest thing is that as we enter this decade our youngest is now 6. At this rate we'll never finish raising kids - which, I've learned this past decade, you never really finish doing anyway.
There is definitely a reason the Lord doesn't allow us to see into the future. How many experiences would we miss - both good and bad - if we knew the outcome beforehand. How many lessons would go unlearned and how very anxious we would be about life. If we doubled in the last decade - what will happen in the next one? OK - that is making me a little anxious.
I've was never a big fan of New Year's resolutions until I past my 5th decade. Somehow, goals seem more important to me now. Perhaps it's because I realize how easily a year can slip through your fingers and although my day to day life is generally set out for me, I do want to be a bit more deliberate through my days. It just seems in this family spontaneity is the key to, well sanity. If you don't make plans you can't be disappointed when they don't work out. This however has lead to a huge lack of a social life, because other people do plan. So, deliberateness, if that's a word, is a goal.
I probably have some of the same goals many people have - drink more water, eat better, lose that 10 lbs., exercise etc. Other goals I hesitate to state as I don't know if I have the true ambition to achieve them.
I always wanted to write a book, and have been told often I should write about our family - but so much of our story is personal and I'm not sure I want to share it nor that I should share it. I have a tendency to be too open sometimes and must remind myself to respect the privacy of my children and that their stories are just that - their stories. I've been telling Ella lately that she should keep a journal and write down some of her experiences growing up in this family. She has such insight sometimes and lives a life that really non of her peers could possibly understand. Perhaps that is my New Year's resolution for her.
For now, I think I'll stick to the goal of blogging on a more regular basis. I'm never good on the specifics of a goal, but let's just say - at least 4 times a week. I guess next year when I look back on this I'll find out whether I made it past the month of January. Goals are just that - goals. They are not finish lines right?
Happy New Year Everyone!