My Family

My Family
Here we all are!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

And Then There Was One

About a month ago we removed the G-tube that Christian has had since birth. We really hadn't used it for the past year, but since he depended on it for so long we really wanted to wait till we knew he'd never need it again and that time had come.

For those who are unfamiliar with the term G-tube it is short for gastrostomy tube.  An incision is made directly through the abdomen and into the stomach.  There are different reasons that necessitate their use.  For Shannon, it was because she could not drink enough to sustain herself and grow properly and she also inhaled quite a lot of her liquids and frequently developed pneumonia because of it.  Callie and Christian were both premies and with sensory issues and an inability to suck they needed them as a bridge until they could overcome those obstacles and eat.

Tube feeding has been a hot topic numerous times in the media as it relates to end of life issues.  For our kids it has improved their quality of life, and yes, increased their lives as well.   For Shannon it is what sustains her and without it she just wouldn't survive. There are obviously times that their use don't make sense, but that is a subject for a different time.

Christian's reaction to the G-tube's removal was really interesting.  It was almost as if we removed a part of his body, which, after 13 years it kind of was.  He kept pulling up his shirt and showing it to us and we kept reassuring him it'd be all right.  And so it is.

Shannie's G-tube was placed at about 2 1/2yrs. of age. Callie had one when she came at almost 3 years of age.  Ella who is 10 months younger than Callie was thoroughly confused as to why all the little girls in our house had this tube on their belly but her.  She kept pulling up her shirt looking for her "button", which is the nickname for a G-tube.

Callie's G-tube fell out about 6 months after she came home from her foster home and we were unable to reinsert it.  She had been doing well eating by mouth, but we had intended to leave it in a bit to be sure.  No need to worry she's been just fine without it.  Other than the occasional leaking through the hole, that never completely closed, when she drinks a lot it's just fine.

In our family G-tubes have been a part of life for the past 13 years and as long as our Shannie is with us we will be a G-tube family, but it does feel good to be down to one.

And Then There Was One

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dude, I'm not joking - just not funny

A facebook friend recently posted this photo and caption.  I was the first to comment and had to say that as an adoptive mom I was really having a hard time finding the humor in this.  I also had to add that I do pride myself on my awesome sense of humor.  However, I was not able to find the humor in this picture and yes, I do get that these children are clearly twins.

The responses after mine generally took me to task for not lightening up.  Several of those who took me to task were themselves adults who had been adopted.  One person in particular was very aggressive towards me and made several false assumptions as to what type of parent I am.  I also asked for a reality check with several dear friends who are also adoptive parents.  Their conclusion was also that this was just not funny.

One woman's facebook comment was that adoption was never a stigma in her family and implied I'm raising my kids with a victim's mentality.  Ironically this caption is simply a propagation of the stigma of adoption - that somehow you are a lesser family member because you are adopted.

There are many ways to look at the supportive responses particularly from the adoptive adults.  From appearances neither of these adults likely were immediately recognized by others as adopted.  They were caucasian and likely their adoptive parents were caucasian as well.  It is a much different experience to go through life having to explain that you are adopted every time someone meets your family.  Having adopted both caucasian and other race children I've experienced this personally as well.

Two experiences stick out in my mind.  Kelsey was a blue eyed blond infant when we adopted her.  I took her along with our 2 biological brown eyed sons to a shoe store.  The retailer looked at my sons and then at her and asked me where she got her blue eyes.  Not wishing to get into a big discussion - trying to get in and out quickly with an infant, toddler and very busy 4 yr. old - I replied, "My mother had blue eyes."  This was a truthful statement, but of course not entirely true.  However, I did not have to explain to a complete stranger about my daughter's adoption.  This is not a choice I can make with my youngest children.

Just about 2 years ago my daughter Melissa and I were wedding dress shopping.  Melissa was adopted from South Korea and we entered the bridal store together sitting side by side at the registry desk.  They asked Melissa about when the wedding was etc.  After filling in her information they looked at me and said, "And you are?"  Maybe they really never assume the mother-type person sitting next to the young bride is, in fact,  the mother of the bride.  However, I'm likely to think if we were of the same race that is exactly the assumption that would be made.

I remember my mother talking about her friend who had two adopted daughters and how wonderful it was that they were able to match their physical characteristics so people wouldn't know they were adopted.  Clearly, the message was that it was not something you'd want to explain to people nor necessarily want them to know.  You didn't want the stigma of adoption to follow them.

It's still difficult for me to understand why these two adults were so adamantly defending the posting of this offensively captioned picture.  It is my job to promote the positive perception of adoption as an adoptive mother.  As a Christian, I also take adoption very seriously.  We believe, as Christians,  that we are adopted by God into His family and there is no greater gift than that.