On Sunday morning I was feeling especially weary for some reason. It had been a long weekend already and a difficult morning with Christian. The sermon was one that should have boosted me up - all about our spiritual gifts and using them and what you are passionate about. Usually it's a topic where I feel just a little bit superior as I've been so blessed to have a partner who joined me in my passion to have a big family, adopt and work with people with special needs. But yesterday the reality of the job set before us which will never really end weighed heavy on me. It was a rainy day and all I could think about was curling up with a mindless book and napping on the couch, which looked like a ridiculous dream.
We left church following our normal routine - don't judge - to drive through McDonalds. Christian already had to go home separately as he was again out of line. As I'm asking the kids what they want Chad was sitting behind Callie and was telling me what he wanted. Now Chad's speech is very limited and tough to understand most of the time. Callie has come a long way, but she is still often difficult to understand even to those of us who know her well. She turned around and asked Chad several times what he wanted - what Chad, what do you want? Finally she turned around a little frustrated and said - whatever - tone and all. I giggled all the way home.
Amazingly after we got home Christian straightened up a bit and decided to get along. Mark went off to take care of my dad as he does on Sun. and I was running around as I do while he's gone. One of our PCA's arrived and took the kids outside for awhile which didn't last long and they came in with some drama or other. Finally everyone seemed to settle a bit playing quietly, well sort of quietly. I curled up on the couch with my book and dared to read. I even fell asleep for a few minutes. What an amazing gift that was.
God knew just what I needed - and in the midst of the chaos that is our life He gave me just a little respite as if to reassure me yet again that He will equip me and He is more then able to supply my every need.
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