There are certain events in life with which the anticipation is as much a part of the enjoyment of the upcoming event as the event itself. Weddings, vacations, birthdays or big anniversaries and such. Other events create an anticipation wrought with anxiety, fear and trepidation. That is the event for which we are gearing up.
On Wed. Shannon will be having her G-tube switched into a G/J tube in anticipation of her surgery Thurs. She is having posterior spinal fusion - which means rods will be installed into her back from the top of her spine to the bottom. Her scoliosis has created two 60 degree angles. Besides the pain in her back that it is creating she has pain in her left hip and left as it is pulling her femur out of her hip socket. She has already had two surgeries to correct that situation. Hopefully, this surgery will prevent or at least slow down the need to fix her hip again.
I love this quote from Mother Teresa - "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much." Amen sister! I'm sure I'm not the only one who has times where you just want to say - really God you thought I could handle this? Maybe I'm the only one, but I'm pretty sure it's universal.
So, I will attempt to update anyone interested in Shannon's progress over the next few weeks via this blog. There are computers at the hospital we can use if they are available. Either Mark or I will be at the hospital at all times. Our wonderful church family will be providing us with excellent food during this time too. This morning a time of prayer was set aside for Shannon and we were very touched by all those who joined us. Knowing our church family is keeping us covered in prayer is very reassuring.
Shannon is such a blessing to so many people and sometimes how she impacts people is really amazing. I know Mark and I have learned so much from her and know these next weeks and months will again be times of growth for us all - literally for her as the surgeon predicts she'll gain 2 inches as her spine is straightened!
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